Being a South African living in America for the past 20 years, I’ve gone through many different methods of acquiring biltong. I’ve ordered it from the few suppliers in the US, purchased it from South African friends, among other things, but it was only in the last couple years that I realized how truly easy it was to make.

Now I can crank out 10lbs of succulent, delectable biltong in about 5 days and I’ll never be without it, so this was the first thing I made when we started Stay at Home orders! I wanted to share my method for making biltong in this simple video!
In order to make this too, you will need a biltong box. You can find my instructions on how to make a simple biltong box here:
And below are the links to some of the equipment I use for making biltong. These are affiliate links so, if you use them, I earn a tiny commission:
Safari Biltong Spice $29.95
20-Pack Mini S-Shaped Hooks $8.04
12oz Coriander Seeds ($11.53)
Thanks for watching and happy making!